

Choosing the Right Window Curtains for Your Home

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When it comes to sunshade solutions for your home, you usually have two options to consider; window curtains and window blinds. If you don’t go for the right option between these two, there is a high possibility that you will end up frustrated. That’s why you need to look deeper into the pros and cons of each and go ahead with the best according to your preference.


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Choosing the Right Window Curtains for Your Home

The process of searching for and choosing the best sunshade for your windows can be quite overwhelming and quite often an overlooked design decision as well. 

Curtains or Blinds? That is the question.

With many options on curtains and blinds in Singapore, it is a hard task to choose the perfect one for your space. Read on for the list of pros & cons associated with hdb window blinds and curtains installation. Afterward, you will be able to understand and decide on the suitable option for your window.

Window Blinds Installation Pros

  • Blinds have the ability to offer a more professional look. As a result, they are widely being used in offices. If you like a minimalist look, this is the best option to consider. 
  • The cost of getting blinds installed with the assistance of a handyman is relatively low. 
  • There are many different colors, styles, types, and designs available. 

Window Blinds Installation Cons

  • You will need to clean the blinds on a weekly or monthly basis as they tend to collect dust quicker.
  • The process of installing blinds is complicated when compared to curtains. Therefore, you will need to seek the assistance of an experienced window blinds installer at an additional cost.

Curtains Installation Pros

  • You can always install your curtains on your own.
  • If you feel that the curtains are overlapping the edges of windows, you can make adjustments to it. You can ask for a professional tailor to cut it down or even customized based on your requirements. 
  • Curtains can bring style and elegance to your living room.

Curtains Installation Cons

  • The curtains that you install at home are vulnerable to spills and stains. When you come across a spill or a stain, you will get the need to clean it as soon as possible.
  • If you have heavy curtains, you will have to wash them in bigger washers. Or else, you will need to get them dry cleaned.
  • Curtains need proper maintenance to retain their natural color and extend their lifespan.

Whether you opt for the traditional window curtains or choose the professional-looking window blinds, consider these pros and cons that can help you in selecting the right sunshade for your windows. Another option is to consult a curtain shop in Singapore that you can trust to guide you in the decision-making process.

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